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  • Article number: CT052
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    Monoclonal antibody to rat IFN-gamma (clone DB-12)

    Description The mouse anti-rat IFN-γ monoclonal antibody (clone DB-12) was first described by Van der Meide P.H. et al. in 1989. The rat IFN-γ antibody is of the IgG1 subtype and possesses very low neutralizing activity. In Western blot analysis the DB-12 antibody reacts with the 14 kDa and 18 kDa polypeptides present in rat IFN-γ with moderate activity and it has shown not to bind with either mouse IFN-γ nor human IFN-γ. Further, the DB-12 antibody is highly effective as coating antibody in both sandwich ELISA and ELISPOT assays using biotinylated DB-1 antibody (cat no. CT035) for detection. Also the reverse combination in which the DB-1 antibody (cat. no. CT032) functions as coating antibody and biotinylated DB-12 antibody (cat. no. CT033) as detector can be used in an ELISA system. The DB-12 antibody is also applicable in immunohistochemistry on frozen tissues and intracellular staining. (Shipping cost: €30.00; Handling cost €30.00 - €50.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application ELISA,Enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT),Immunohistochemistry on frozen sections (IHC-Fs),Western Blot (WB)
    Unit 0 mg
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    Normal leadtime 8 days
    Calculated total €385,00 
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  • Article number: CT033
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    Monoclonal antibody to rat IFN-gamma biotin (clone DB-12)

    Description The mouse anti-rat IFN-γ monoclonal antibody (clone DB-12) was first described by Van der Meide P.H. et al. in 1989. The rat IFN-γ antibody is of the IgG1 subtype and possesses very low neutralizing activity. In Western blot analysis the DB-12 antibody reacts with the 14 kDa and 18 kDa polypeptides present in rat IFN-γ with moderate activity and it has shown not to bind with either mouse IFN-γ nor human IFN-γ. Further, the DB-12 antibody is highly effective as coating antibody (cat. no. CT052) in both sandwich ELISA and ELISPOT assays using biotinylated DB-1 antibody (cat no. CT035) for detection. Also the reverse combination in which the DB-1 antibody (cat. no. CT032) functions as coating antibody and biotinylated DB-12 antibody as detector can be used in an ELISA system. The DB-12 antibody is also applicable in immunohistochemistry on frozen tissues and intracellular staining. (Shipping cost: €30.00; Handling cost €30.00 - €50.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application ELISA,Enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT),Immunohistochemistry on frozen sections (IHC-Fs)
    Conjugate Biotin
    Unit 50 ug
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    Normal leadtime 8 days
    Calculated total €385,00 
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