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About Us

We stand for the radical change in sourcing your antibodies!

AntibodyChain is a game-changing group of people being enthusiastic about making the difference.


Despite the highly innovative project you work on, the antibody market, as we know it today, is a traditional, fragmented and conservative market that does not allow any transparency on the sourcing of your antibodies. Lots of brokers and OEM sales which makes finding the right source more time consuming and increases the prices of an antibody. We make you do more research faster and for less money and by doing so actively contribute to better and more affordable healthcare.


AntibodyChain changes the market by letting you compare almost all products on the market and give you the freedom of choice from whom you source globally by using a single point of contact and one invoice.

We sell online via our webshop or alternatively connect to your institution's e-procurement system. We connect to SAP, Oracle, and GHX as a vertical portal added to your e-procurement system. This way we decrease the number of suppliers for your purchase department, so they are happy as well, while we increase the number of sources to find and buy your antibodies, a great win for you. We offer you maximum choice at a minimum effort.

Do you want to source from the other side of this planet? Ask us to add the products of your lab of choice that have a specific antibody for your needs. We handle all communication, order handling, import/export paperwork, and shipping for you besides making agreements on defective products and how to handle it to your satisfaction.

Last year, on average, we added 1000+ antibodies each day of the year (yes including the holidays) and we intend to increase this number so the chances of finding the right antibody increase every minute.


Our main target is to source antibodies and provides you with the best study material at the best possible conditions. Like most players in this market we also source related products as complete kits, lysates, proteins, and peptides we source those as well.


Two brothers, with a background in IT, started with the idea for the antibody community in 2010. While building their community and actively growing their network it became more and more apparent that there was a need for a change. We, with the knowledge of IT and network in Life Science saw the possibilities of making this global market more transparent, and together with researchers we created this unique portal for sourcing your antibodies.

Each member of the team strives to give you the best experience whether it is browsing our Catalogue, handling your order, or answering your product question.

Here some of our employees and their statement


“Good service is our best business!”



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