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Shipping Cost and VAT

Shipping Cost


Shipping cost is calculated on based of the distance the order should travel to reach it’s end destination and is based on the actual cost of the shipper.
You will find your shipping cost back on the pro forma invoice that is send after your submit the order.   

Shipping cost outside Europe is standard based on 
DAP (Delivery at Place), for other options, like DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) please contact us.


You can choose to use your own shipping agent, please fill-in the correct information for smooth handling.


Secured shipment


Shipments higher then 500,- euro will be sent insured.
This is a safety measure and mandatory.
Cost for the insured shipment(s) is upfront communicated via the pro forma invoice that is send after submitting the order.




If VAT is applicable to your situation (EU based) it will be calculated on the basis of your billing information. You can find the VAT cost back on your pro forma invoice.

Reverse charge supply could be applicable for EU based customers, national VAT rules will then apply for your order. Reverse charge supply conditions will be visible during the checkout.

 Do you need more information?
Please contact us: