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  • Article number: 10R-C109b
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    Calmodulin antibody

    Description Mouse monoclonal Calmodulin antibody (Shipping Cost: €205.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application ELISA,Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Bovine,Chicken,Chlamydomonas,Dictyostellium,Rat
    Concentration 1.0 mg/ml
    Specificity Dictyostelium discoideum
    Unit 100 ul
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    Normal leadtime 5-7 days
    Calculated total €857,70 
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  • Article number: 10R-C109a
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    Calmodulin antibody

    Description Mouse monoclonal Calmodulin antibody (Shipping Cost: €205.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application ELISA,Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Bovine,Chicken,Chlamydomonas,Dictyostellium,Rat
    Concentration 1.0 mg/ml
    Specificity Dictyostelium discoideum
    Unit 100 ul
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    Normal leadtime 5-7 days
    Calculated total €828,00 
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  • Article number: 10R-S112a
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    Na, K ATPase antibody

    Description Mouse monoclonal Na, K ATPase antibody (Shipping Cost: €205.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application ELISA,Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF),Immunohistochemistry (IHC),Immunoprecipitation (IP)
    Reactivity Dog (Canine),Chicken,Human,Rat
    Concentration 1.0 mg/ml
    Specificity Rat
    Unit 100 ul
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    Normal leadtime 5-7 days
    Calculated total €861,30 
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  • Article number: MC0144
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    GFAP [GA-5]

    Description Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the subunit of the glial specific “intermediate” filament that include desmin filaments in smooth muscle, vimentin filaments in cultured fibroblasts, keratin filaments in epithelium and neurofilaments in neural cells. GFAP is a major product of astrocytic differentiation. Compared with special stains currently used to identify an astroglial component in brain tumors, GFAP staining is more sensitive. Further, the immunohistochemical staining method is useful in demonstrating reactive astrocytes, whether secondary to a brain tumor or to any other neuro-pathological condition. (Shipping Cost: €200.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Flow cytometry (FC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Chicken, Bovine,Pig (Porcine)
    Unit 1 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €361,40 
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  • Article number: MC0144RTU7
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    GFAP [GA-5]

    Description Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the subunit of the glial specific “intermediate” filament that include desmin filaments in smooth muscle, vimentin filaments in cultured fibroblasts, keratin filaments in epithelium and neurofilaments in neural cells. GFAP is a major product of astrocytic differentiation. Compared with special stains currently used to identify an astroglial component in brain tumors, GFAP staining is more sensitive. Further, the immunohistochemical staining method is useful in demonstrating reactive astrocytes, whether secondary to a brain tumor or to any other neuro-pathological condition. (Shipping Cost: €200.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Flow cytometry (FC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Chicken, Bovine,Pig (Porcine)
    Unit 7 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €187,20 
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  • Article number: MC0083
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    MyoD1 (Rhabdomyosarcoma Marker) [5.8A]

    Description Recognizes a phosphor-protein of 45kDa, identified as MyoD1. The epitope of this antibody maps between amino acid 180-189 in the C-terminal of mouse MyoD1 protein. It does not cross react with myogenin, Myf5, or Myf6. Antibody to MyoD1 labels the nuclei of myoblasts in developing muscle tissues. MyoD1 is not detected in normal adult tissue, but is highly expressed in the tumor cell nuclei of rhabdomyosarcomas. Occasionally nuclear expression of MyoD1 is seen in ectomesenchymoma and a subset of Wilm s tumors. Weak cytoplasmic staining is observed in several non-muscle tissues, including glandular epithelium and also in rhabdomyosarcomas, neuroblastomas, Ewing s sarcomas and alveolar soft part sarcomas. (Shipping Cost: €200.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application Flow cytometry (FC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat, Chicken
    Unit 1 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €361,40 
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  • Article number: MC0317
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    Myosin Skeletal Heavy Chain Fast/MYH1 [MY-32]

    Description Myosin, a 480kD protein that interacts with actin in muscle and non muscle cells, is composed of 2 identical heavy chains (about 200kD each) and 4 light chains (about 20kD each). Conventional myosin molecules consist of two major regions: tail (rod) and globular heads; they aggregate into filaments through the tail region and interact with actin and with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the head region. Multiple forms of myosin heavy chains exist in skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle and in non-muscle tissues. A spectrum of skeletal muscle fiber types is found in adult skeletal muscles. The two major skeletal muscle fiber types are type I (slow-twitch) and type II (fast-twitch). Skeletal muscle type II fibers can be further subdivided into types IIa (fast red) and IIb (fast white). (Shipping Cost: €200.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Chicken, Guinea Pig, Bovine
    Unit 1 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €429,00 
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  • Article number: MC0320
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    Myosin Skeletal Heavy Chain Slow/MYH7 [NOQ7.5.4D]

    Description Myosin, a 480kD protein that interacts with actin in muscle and non muscle cells, is composed of 2 identical heavy chains (about 200kD each) and 4 light chains (about 20kD each). Conventional myosin molecules consist of two major regions: tail (rod) and globular heads; they aggregate into filaments through the tail region and interact with actin and with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the head region. Multiple forms of myosin heavy chains exist in skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle and in non-muscle tissues. A spectrum of skeletal muscle fiber types is found in adult skeletal muscles. The two major skeletal muscle fiber types are type I (slow-twitch) and type II (fast-twitch). Type I muscle fibers are more efficient over long periods of time. They are mainly used for postural maintenance (such has holding the head upright), or endurance exercises (like marathon running). (Shipping Cost: €200.00)
    Host Mouse
    Application ELISA, Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Radioimmunoassay (RIA), Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Chicken, Guinea Pig, Bovine, Sheep, Goat, Hamster, Cat, Dog (Canine),Pig (Porcine)
    Unit 1 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €429,00 
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  • Article number: MC0557
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    NeuN [A60]

    Description NeuN antibody specifically recognizes the DNA-binding, neuron-specific protein NeuN, which is present in most CNS and PNS neuronal cell types of all vertebrates tested. NeuN protein distributions are apparently restricted to neuronal nuclei, perikarya and some proximal neuronal processes in both fetal and adult brain although, some neurons fail to be recognized by NeuN at all ages: INL retinal cells, Cajal-Retzius cells, Purkinje cells, inferior olivary and dentate nucleus neurons, and sympathetic ganglion cells are examples. Immunohistochemically detectable NeuN protein first appears at developmental timepoints that correspond with the withdrawal of the neuron from the cell cycle and/or with the initiation of terminal differentiation of the neuro. Immunoreactivity appears around E9.5 in the mouse neural tube and is extensive throughout the developing nervous system by E12.5. Strong nuclear staining suggests a nuclear regulatory protein function; however, no evidence currently exists a
    Host Mouse
    Application Flow cytometry (FC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Avian, Chicken, Ferret, Human, Mouse,Pig (Porcine), Rat, Salamander
    Unit 1 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €361,40 
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  • Article number: MC0557RTU7
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    NeuN [A60]

    Description NeuN antibody specifically recognizes the DNA-binding, neuron-specific protein NeuN, which is present in most CNS and PNS neuronal cell types of all vertebrates tested. NeuN protein distributions are apparently restricted to neuronal nuclei, perikarya and some proximal neuronal processes in both fetal and adult brain although, some neurons fail to be recognized by NeuN at all ages: INL retinal cells, Cajal-Retzius cells, Purkinje cells, inferior olivary and dentate nucleus neurons, and sympathetic ganglion cells are examples. Immunohistochemically detectable NeuN protein first appears at developmental timepoints that correspond with the withdrawal of the neuron from the cell cycle and/or with the initiation of terminal differentiation of the neuro. Immunoreactivity appears around E9.5 in the mouse neural tube and is extensive throughout the developing nervous system by E12.5. Strong nuclear staining suggests a nuclear regulatory protein function; however, no evidence currently exists a
    Host Mouse
    Application Flow cytometry (FC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC),Immunofluorescence (IF), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western Blot (WB)
    Reactivity Avian, Chicken, Ferret, Human, Mouse,Pig (Porcine), Rat, Salamander
    Unit 7 ml
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    Normal leadtime 14 days
    Calculated total €187,20 
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